Friday, February 1, 2008

Propagating staghorns 2008

Propagating staghorns.
The Nature Conservation Act and Regulations is set out to conserve nature in Queensland, including native plants. The law protects all plants listed as rare or threatened, and some common plants which are harvested from the wild.Some of these include: orchids (all epiphytic species and some terrestrial species); cycads (all native species); epiphytic ferns (staghorns, elcorns, crows nest, tassel ferns and others); grasstrees (all native Xanthorrhoea species); lace plants ( all native Aponogeton species) and other native plant species listed as endangered, vulnerable or rare. Lisencing may be required if you plan on including any of the listed species in your site. Contact the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service in your regional area for details.

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